The Beatbot robotic pool cleaners use advanced navigation technology to outsmart obstacles in the pool. A smart sensor with algorithms is installed in the robot to detect obstacles in its way and avoid them. Equipped with an obstacle detection system, Beatbot can detect pool ladders, steps, and main drains to keep it from getting stuck or causing damage.
It depends on bump sensors and visual or infrared sensors to judge its surroundings. When it hits an obstacle, it instantly changes direction to keep cleaning without interruption. This is how Beatbot cleans around common pool features like lights, ladders, and water features and yet keeps on moving in an efficient cleaning pattern. The navigation system on the Beatbot was optimized to minimize unnecessary backtracking and therefore minimize cleaning-cycle times.
In general, one could say that a standard cleaning cycle at any pool can be made with Beatbot as quickly as within 1 hour, depending on size and complexity. This helps the robot avoid obstacles like pool ladders or skimmers so that every area in the pool will be cleaned and won’t waste any time on areas where it can’t reach. Moreover, the obstacle avoidance technology of Beatbot creates a smoother cleaning experience because the robot can clean around these features without requiring human intervention.
More to this, Beatbot has smart algorithms to create a map of the pool and spot those areas where it needs extra attention. For instance, in the case of the missed area, it would adjust the cleaning path automatically, and similarly, it can do so in case it has found some obstacle obstructing its usual path. The robot therefore makes sure there is no patch left unclean without the need for manual adjustment.
For instance, commercial pools usually present many obstacles such as pool drains and skimmers, yet Beatbot navigates through them quite well, unlike other cleaners. Using its precise sensors, it avoids these obstacles and keeps on cleaning; it therefore is a favorite for hotel pools and resorts.
In residential pools, Beatbot can also make its way around potential obstacles such as diving boards, pool steps, and uneven surfaces to deliver a consistent clean without getting stuck. The obstacle navigation system of Beatbot reduces the need to manually intervene in the cleaning process, making the experience of cleaning more convenient and efficient for the pool owner.
For more information on how Beatbot navigates around obstacles, visit Beatbot.